Miamisburg, OH 45342
It is no accident that the City of Miamisburg has evolved into such a dynamic suburban community. Strategic, forward-thinking initiatives by city officials during the past two decades have resulted in significant growth and economic development activity, positioning the city as an ideal destination for the 21st century.
The Development Department is responsible for the following major functions within the city:
- Economic Development
- Planning and Zoning
- Building Permitting and Inspection
- Property Maintenance Code Enforcement
Economic Development
The economic development effort is focused primarily on the retention, expansion of existing companies and the attraction of new companies to the community with the overarching goal of creating jobs. The day-to-day objective is to assist existing and prospective businesses to grow and be successful in the City of Miamisburg through outreach and coordinating with Montgomery County via the BusinessFirst! program. Staffing of the activities in this area is the responsibility of the director, with support from the city planner.
Planning and Zoning
Planning is an important function to the office as well as to the overall organization and community. The function of planning is the responsibility of the city planner who brings to the organization education and experience in city and community planning. There are many functions of the office with reference to planning which include:
- Zoning Administration
- Subdivision Development
- Planning Commission and BZA Administration
- Comprehensive Plan - administration and updating
- Initiation and recommendation of general planning policy of the city.
- Coordination with other agencies and jurisdictions to ensure cooperation in resolving local and regional problems.
Building Permitting and Inspection
The building inspection function is responsible for construction inspection and issuance of all permits (except for plumbing permits) pertaining to building improvements and construction activity including:
- Building permits
- Sign permits
- Electric permits
- Heating permits
- Gas piping
- Fence permits
- Zoning certificates
Property Maintenance Code Enforcement
The property maintenance code is enforced throughout the city code enforcement staff. This key function ensures that existing structures are clean, safe and mechanically sound for our residents, resulting in strong property values and high-quality building stock within city neighborhoods.