The City Council meeting scheduled for 6 p.m. on January 7, 2025, has been canceled.

City Manager’s Office Staff

AboutKeith Johnson

Under Miamisburg's city manager form of government, the city manager is responsible for executing the policies set by the City Council and overseeing the day-to-day operations of local government. This includes authority over all personnel, except for the law director, prosecutor and clerk of council, who are hired directly by the City Council.

The city manager's staff currently consists of the assistant city manager, assistant to the city manager, public information officer and IT manager. An administrative assistant is shared between the city manager and mayor.

Keith D. Johnson became Miamisburg's seventh city manager on August 18, 2009, having been promoted from his previous role as development director. During his time as development director, the city added approximately 3,000 jobs representing over $120 million in payroll. Johnson's department also secured more than $5 million in grants for transportation and economic development projects and managed the acquisition of over $3 million in property for Riverfront Park.

Keith Johnson City Manager (937) 847-6456 Email
Emily Christian Assistant City Manager (937) 847-6456 Email
Keysha Alexander Administrative Assistant to the Mayor and City Manager and Clerk of Council (937) 847-6456 Email
Ken Jarosik Public Information Officer (937) 847-6682 Email
Kim Combs Hillgrove Union Cemetery Email
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