Vacation House Checks
As a crime prevention and community relations service, we check houses for residents who are temporarily away on vacation, business trips or other travel.
- Under this program, vacant house checks will be conducted during daylight hours only, as time permits.
- These house checks will be limited to residences vacated for periods of 3 days (72 hours) to an unlimited number of days.
- To obtain a house check, the residence must remain vacant for the duration of the owner’s absence. The Miamisburg Police Department cannot accept a house check request if someone will be staying at the residence.
- Residents are asked to notify the police department if they return home early from their vacation.
Ways to Register
- Visit the police department in person between 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
- Call (937) 847-6600
- Submit your information on the form below.