FAQ Topic: Utility Billing

How do I track my utility usage?

Register your account at www.mywateradvisor2.com using either the phone number associated with your account or your account number.  Enter your first and last name as it appears on your utility bill, enter an email address and create a password.  Once registered you can also download the mobile app, “My Water Advisor 2.0” to track consumption … Continued

What is included on my Utility bill?

The city bills water and sewer usage based on the units of water that run through the meter. The meter read dates are provided to measure the time between billing cycles. Separate water and sewer rates are applied to the measured water usage to calculate the billed amounts for each service. Additionally, a $17 per … Continued

What does minimum usage mean?

The city charges all accounts receiving water and/or sewer services a minimum fee based on meter size. This minimum charge applies to usage between 0-3 units. The minimum fee helps distribute the fixed costs of operating, replacing and maintaining the water and sewer infrastructure and equipment. The minimum monthly charge for most single-family residential meters … Continued

What are units?

Water usage is measured in units. A unit of water is 100 cubic feet, or 750 gallons of water.

Can I apply for an extension for my Utility bill?

With the change from quarterly billing to monthly billing, extensions will no longer be feasible. The amount of time available to pay a bill continues to be 45 days. Since bills will be sent every 30 days vs. every 90 days, it is necessary to keep up with the current balance due. However, during the … Continued

How do I pay my water and sewer bill?

The Utility Billing Division oversees water, sewer and refuse billing for the City. Customer billing occurs monthly, and payments can be made online, by mail, by automatic bank account withdrawals or in person at the Civic Center. Personal checks, cash (in person only), Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express (online only) are accepted forms of … Continued

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