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Variance Application

The Dayton Mediation Center supports homelessness prevention through its landlord/tenant program throughout Montgomery County.  This program strives to assist people in their efforts to maintain  housing by providing mediation, conflict coaching, landlord/tenant education and referrals to agencies that can offer additional support, such as rental assistance.  For information, call (937) 333-2349.

Miamisburg, Ohio - Aug. 23, 2021:  The City of Miamisburg’s new online utility billing and payment portal was launched today.  The City is excited to offer residents easy access to make utility payments and provide more payment options. Visit for more information. #                      # ...

Miamisburg, Ohio - Aug. 23, 2021: The City of Miamisburg’s new online utility billing and payment portal was launched today.  The City is excited to offer residents easy access to make utility payments and provide more payment options. Visit for more information. #                  #       ...

Date and time: Date and time: 2021-09-07 06:00 pmLocation: Miamisburg Civic CenterDepartment: City Council Meeting: September 7, 2021Date and time: 2021-09-07 06:00 pmLocation: Miamisburg Civic CenterDepartment: City Council Meeting: September 7, 2021Date and time: 2021-09-07 06:00 pmLocation: Miamisburg Civic CenterDepartment: City Council Meeting: September 7, 2021Date and time: 2021-09-07 06:00 pmLocation: Miamisburg Civic CenterDepartment: City...

Miamisburg, Ohio - Aug. 18, 2021: The City of Miamisburg is creating an oversight board for its new Designated Outdoor Refreshment Area (DORA).  Residents of the community who are interested in serving on this new board are invited to submit an application by Sept. 10.  There are three citizen seats available, and applications can be found...

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