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A leak adjustment will only be considered for a detectable leak. The leak must be fixed/repaired for an adjustment to be considered. Complete this form and attach support for the repair to the Utility Billing Office at or drop it off at 10 N. First St. Miamisburg, OH 45342.

Miamisburg, Ohio - May 3, 2021:  The Miami Valley Fire District, which provides fire and emergency medical services for the City of Miamisburg and Miami Township, seeks qualified parties to perform a Community Engagement and Funding Feasibility Study.  Interested respondents should provide a Statement of Qualifications by May 28, 2021 to Chief Matthew Queen at...

What We Do The Public Works Department provides maintenance for city streets, including minor blacktop repair, curb-to-curb snow removal, leaf collection and dead animal removal. Traffic control activities such as street markings, signals and signs are the responsibility of the Engineering Department.

Water and Sewer Emergencies For after-hours water and sewer emergencies, please call 225-HELP (4357). What We Do The city of Miamisburg is a provider of water services to its residents. The Water Distribution Division is responsible for operating and maintaining facilities and infrastructure, while the Water Treatment Facility is responsible for treating and softening water....

About Us The Public Works Department is located at 600 North Main Street and is comprised of several divisions including, water and wastewater utilities and street maintenance. The department's primary goal is to maintain public infrastructure to provide the residents and businesses of Miamisburg with the best possible experience as they live, travel and thrive...

The City of Miamisburg is committed to providing the public with comprehensive information about its operations, both proactively and upon request through the news media. The public information office coordinates various communication efforts on behalf of the city. To broadly distribute information to the community, the city uses accepted methods, including, but not limited to:...

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