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Date and time: Date and time: 2021-05-04 06:00 pmLocation: City Council Meeting: May 4, 2021Department: City Council Meeting: May 4, 2021Date and time: 2021-05-04 06:00 pmLocation: Miamisburg Civic CenterDepartment: City Council Meeting: May 4, 2021Date and time: 2021-05-04 06:00 pmLocation: Miamisburg Civic CenterDepartment: City Council Meeting: May 4, 2021AgendaAgendaAgenda packetAgenda packetMinutesMinutesDate and time: 2021-05-04 06:00...

Yes, live and replayed Council meetings can be viewed on channel 5 of the Spectrum Cable system and through channel 999 of the AT&T system.  They can also be seen streaming online at

Please contact the Clerk of Council at (937) 847-6456.

Please contact the Clerk of Council at (937) 847-6456 or check the Ward map available here

Meeting minutes and agendas are posted on this site at Public Meetings, and every agenda is also posted in advance in the lobby of the Miamisburg Civic Center at 10 N. First Street.  Requests for a copy of legislation voted on by Council and other questions may be directed to the Clerk of Council at...

For more information about the city's public records or to request a public record, see the public records page.

The City has a noise ordinance.  Complaints about the duration or volume of noises that unreasonably disturb the peace in residential areas should be directed to the Police Department at (937) 225-HELP.

Report an outage by calling the Engineering Department at (937) 847-6531 or fill out online street outage form.

A records search tool is available at the Miamisburg Municipal Court website.  

The Miamisburg Municipal Court, serving Miamisburg, Miami Township, Germantown, West Carrollton and German Township, located at 10 N. First Street, Miamisburg, OH 45342  has a website at and can also be contacted by phone at (937) 866-2203.

See our page for more information and an overhead street banner request form.

For more information and a block party request form, see our block party  page.  

Code enforcement staff can be reached at (937) 847-6532 or by email at

Questions may be directed to the Utility Billing Division at (937) 847-6460.

You can report abandoned vehicles by calling non-emergency Dispatch at (937) 225-HELP or fill out the online form

Miamisburg businesses are served by the Dayton Area Chamber of Commerce, which can be reached  at (937) 226-1444.

The Police Department has a drop-box where members of the public can dispose of their unused medications.  The box is located in the Department’s lower level in the Miamisburg Civic Center.

The local branch is located at 240 S. Heincke Road and can be reached at (937) 866-4551.

Yes.  The couple must have their marriage certificates.  To schedule a ceremony, call (937) 847-6458 or 866-3303.

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