The City Council meeting scheduled for 6 p.m. on January 7, 2025, has been canceled.

Document Types: Utility Billing Forms

Owner’s Guarantee Form

All owners of rental property are required to sign a Guarantee form if the owner requests the bill to be sent directly to the tenant for payment. Owners have final responsibility for all utility bills. The City encourages owners to work with the Utility Billing Office to assist in managing billing issues related to rental … Continued

Account Verification Form

Residents are required to complete this form upon starting utility service at a new residence in the City. This information will help the Billing Department ensure we have your complete and accurate account information. Please bring this along with an identification card to 10 N. First St. Miamisburg, OH 45342

Adjustment Request Form

A leak adjustment will only be considered for a detectable leak. The leak must be fixed/repaired for an adjustment to be considered. Complete this form and attach support for the repair to the Utility Billing Office at or drop it off at 10 N. First St. Miamisburg, OH 45342.

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