Boards and Commissions


Keysha Alexander
Clerk of Council


Serving as a volunteer member of one of the city of Miamisburg's Boards and Commissions is one of the best ways for residents to have an active voice in local government. City Council relies on the input provided by these advisory committees to establish policies on various issues. Members of Boards and Commissions are appointed to terms by City Council. Applications to serve are welcome and should be addressed to the mayor. Appointments are generally made in December for the following year.

Current Boards and Commissions include:

Board of Revision and Assessment

Michelle Collins, Keith Johnson, Jennifer Johns, Tom Croskey

Board of Zoning, Building and Housing Appeals

Dan Brown, Bob Davis, Frank Fritsch, Mike Drury, Chris Butcher, Abby Branham (Secretary)

Citizens Urban Forestry Advisory Board

Jim Bornhorst (chair), Josh Umbaugh, Rusty Leifheit, Michelle Trimbur, Amy Ratcliffe, Carole Ouderkirk, John Woods

City Beautification Commission

Laura Bornhorst, Annie Gilkison, Rita Miller, Wilma Nicholas, Carole Parlette, Judy Stamm, Jane McGriff, Joellyn Bashford, Jenny Butcher, Pam Stewart, Karl Zimmerman, Tom Zimpfer

Civil Service Commission

Steve Case, Wayne Grainger, Carissa Ross, Kim Combs (Secretary)

Community Improvement Corp.

Chris Fine, Jennifer Johns, Keith Johnson, Jim Lenz, Ray Rotellini, Kim Combs (Secretary)

DORA Oversight Board

Ryan Colvin (chair), Ryan Davis, Aleah Macy, Brandi Schneider, Cindi Threlkeld, Patti Thompson, Brian Yeakley.

Downtown Miamisburg, Inc.

Michelle Collins, Dan Foley, Vanessa Glotfelter, Mike Fink, Ron Holp, Keith
Johnson, Clint Morton, Jennifer Johns, Carrie Scarff

Income Tax Board of Appeals

Tom Croskey, Lisa Chapman (alternate), Mike Gapinski, Carolyn Kilpatrick, Kim Combs (Secretary)

Miami Valley Fire District Board of Trustees

John Stalder, Ann-Lisa Allen, Greg Bell, Terry Posey, Jr., Frank Fritsch

Mound Development Corporation

Jim Van Tassell, Jr., Chris Fine, Al Leland, Jennifer Johns, Niels Winther

Municipal Trust Fund Finance Committee

Michelle Collins, David Glotfelter, Brenda Wehmer, Keith Johnson, Shon Myers, Sarah Simpson, Jennifer Johns

Parks and Recreation Advisory Board

Andy Alford, Keith Basinger, Megan Cole, Gail Fink, Adrienne Gorretta, Lilly Keesee, Kelly Lee Marker, Shannon Ruppert, Dustin Strutton, Jeff Thompson, Mike Tuttle

Planning Commission

Mike McCabe, Wayne Gilkison, Rick Melton, Mark Williams, Vanessa Glotfelter, Ron Mahan, Tim Finney, Abby Branham (Secretary)

Sidewalk, Curb and Gutter Appeals Committee

Greg Merrill

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